We Are Called
To lead lives in service to one another in model of Jesus’ life of service towards us. At Refuge Bible Church we believe everyone has spiritual gifts that are necessary for the furthering of God’s kingdom and shares a stake in helping the Church to operate smoothly. Whether through serving in the background to keep service running, teaching the children or youth, leading in worship, or greeting newcomers, everyone has an opportunity to give unto the Lord.
Current Ministries and Service Opportunities
Refuge Kids includes the Littles (crawlers - 5y) classroom and the Kids (5y-5th grade) Classroom. Both classrooms have a teacher and a helper. All volunteers in RK are required to complete a background check prior to serving.

Serving opportunities include teaching and student leading. Refuge Students meets every other Friday at the church at 6pm. Volunteers are expected to attend Friday services as well as special events.
Refuge Students volunteers are required to complete a background check prior to serving.
Refuge Students volunteers are required to complete a background check prior to serving.

Guest Services
Service opportunities include front door and sanctuary greeters. Volunteers should expected to have ongoing interaction with people as they enter and exit the church. We ask that volunteers in Guest Services have a knowledge of the church property (so they can direct new members where to go), a willingness to pray with people, and a readiness to be on the front lines of public interaction at the church.

An ideal candidate for Security has a background in the military or law enforcement and is able to attend training as needed. Members of security are stationed in the sanctuary and outside of the church for every service at the church.

Volunteers in Hospitality arrive early to make and prepare the coffee/tea bar, restock the bar as needed, and help with cleaning and tearing-down the bar. Volunteers should be able to lift at least 10lbs and have a willingness to pray with people.

Volunteers for the Worship team should have experience singing and/or prior experience and training playing their desired instrument. The worship team meets weekly for practice in addition to leading worship on Sundays. Volunteers are expected to lead worship for every service on Sundays.

Media & Tech Crew
The Media and Tech team has opportunities to serve at the computer clicking song and teaching slides, controlling the cameras during service, or operating the soundboard. Introductory and complex tech background can be accommodated.

Set Up & Tear Down
Volunteers for this ministry should be able to lift at least 25lbs, have strong attention to detail, be able to self-start, and work well in a team.