We are so glad to partner with your family as we work together to cultivate relationships with Jesus. Refuge Kids meets every Sunday and has classes available for all children from crawlers to 5th grade.

Our desire is to share the good news of the Gospel through the Bible with every child, and encourage them to have a personal relationship with Jesus. 

We accomplish this by providing fun and interactive lessons every Sunday as we learn about Jesus through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. 


The Littles classroom is dedicated to our earliest learners in RK. They begin each Sunday with a warm welcome and a time of classroom play. Then they enjoy a fun time of worship with singing and hand motions before receiving a short, and easy to understand Bible lesson with their teacher followed by a snack and activity. 

The Kids classroom is dedicated to our older learners in RK. They begin each Sunday with a warm welcome and introduction to the day's lesson. Then they enjoy a time of worship and Bible teaching followed by a snack and activity that helps them personally apply what they learned. 

All RK classrooms use the same Bible based curriculum from Pursue God Kids

The curriculum has both in-classroom and at-home features so your children can continue learning about God throughout their week.

You can click on the button to be directed to our dedicated Pursue God curriculum page to see what we're working on each week and to find the take-homes.  

You can also watch the video below for each week's teaching video shown on Sunday.